A new blog called the Genomics Law Report went live today, promising to provide “news and analysis from the intersection of genomics, personalized medicine and the law.” This blog will undoubtedly be a must for anyone interested in personal genetics. Daniel MacArthur at Genetic Future has already provided a brief summary.
From the introductory post:
“…Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson proudly announces the launch of the Genomics Law Report. The Genomics Law Report focuses on the legal implications of important developments in the fields of genomics and personalized medicine — including key litigation, legislative, regulatory and policymaking activities — in order to facilitate understanding of the complicated and shifting legal landscape governing genomic and personalized medicine commerce and research.”
I am a regular reader of your blog. Good to see something for the intelligent masses. I am having a little bit of trouble with your rss feeds, I am using my trusty firefox.
Thanks again. Have a wonderful day!
Dr. George Jose.