Genealogy of a Thinking Blogger Award


Two fellow genealogists recently nominated me for a “The Thinking Blogger Award.”My honored thank you to Tim at Genealogy Reviews Online and Randy at Genea-Musings.The rules of this meme are pretty simple:

1.If you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think;

2.Link to the original post at The Thinking Blog (see above) so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme, and;

3.Optionally, display the “Thinking Blogger Award” graphic. ... Click to read more!

Recent Links to The Genetic Genealogist

I just wanted to take a moment to send a big thank you to everyone that reads The Genetic Genealogist and to all those who have linked here.I have a lot of posts percolating in my head, so be sure to stick around.And if you link to me on your blog, just send me an email (see here) and I will be sure to acknowledge you!

  1. EyeonDNA has an ongoing series looking at geeky lab t-shirts. I contributed a picture of my own geeky t-shirt for the series.
  2. On June 1st, Scienceroll’s “BlogMix: the best posts of the week” included my post on Watson’s genome “For the First Time, a Human Receives (Almost) Entire Personal Genome!”
  3. DNA Direct thanked me for the link to the Baylor University Press Release regarding the presentation of James Watson’s genome.
  4. Peter Suber, author of Open Access News, also included a link to my article about James Watson’s genome.
  5. business|bytes|genes|molecules (bbgm) reviewed the recent developments related to 23andMe in a post called “Googley bio” and linked to my article “23andMe Revisited.“
  6. For those of you unfamiliar with Postgenomic, I highly recommend visiting.According to the site, it “collects posts from hundreds of science blogs and then does useful and interesting things with that data.”I just joined recently, and the great thing about Postgenomic is that it joins stories together by subject.For instance, I have posts that are related to recent topics, here and here.
  7. Genomicron discusses Nicholas Wade’s incorrect terminology in his New York Times article “Genome of DNA Discoverer is Deciphered.”I mentioned recently that Wade may or maynot have had a choice in the title, but as Genomicron counters the entire article was flawed and Wade has had this problem in the past.
  8. The Genetics Education Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center.This site, aimed at educators who want to learn more about the human genome, is actually a great site for anyone interested in genetics!I’m planning on mining it for information myself, and if I find anything interesting I will be sure to share it with you.

My four-part series called “You and the $1000 Genome” gathered lots of links:

EyeonDNA included the series in the recent 8th edition of Gene Genie.There are a lot of great authors in this list of articles! EyeonDNA had also mentioned the series in a previous post requesting submissions for the Gene Genie! Every Saturday,

Scienceroll ... Click to read more!

A New Design

I spent the morning doing a redesign of the blog.  I should have been studying, but I’ve been meaning to give the site a new look for a while now.  My goals were (1) to make the content the center of attention; (2) to quickly and easily provide information about the blog and subscription options to newcomers; (3) to minimize the impact of advertising (since I don’t make that much anyway!); and (4) to make the site more visually pleasing and professional.  If you have any problems accessing information or using the site, please be sure to let me know.  If you like the new design, let me know that too!